
Lab Director

Research Interests: Advanced navigation and mapping technologies, sensor integration, machine learning, autonomous systems

About: Dr. Yang leads the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab at the University of Calgary, specializing in the development of high-precision navigation systems using a variety of sensors such as GNSS, IMU, Camera, LiDAR, and Radar.



Research Interests: GNSS positioning in challenging environments, New PPP-RTK methods, Multi-sensor integration.

About: Zhitao Lyu is a postdoc at the University of Calgary within the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab. His research focus on high precision positioning techniques, especially in challenging environments.


PhD Students

Research Interests: Vision-aided navigation, Localization, sensor integration, Deep learning for Computer vision, autonomous systems

About: Mehad Haggag is a PhD candidate (co-supervised with Dr. Naser El-Sheimy) at the University of Calgary specializing in Positioning, Navigation and Wireless Location. Her research focuses on leveraging transformers to improve ego-motion estimation for autonomous vehicles, thereby enhancing their perception and navigation systems.


Research Interests: Multi-sensor integrated positioning,credible positioning, machine learning

About: Qiaozhuang Xu is a visiting PhD student in the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab (2023 to 2025) from China University of Geosciences Beijing. His current research interest is Vehicle-borne credible positioning of RTK/INS/vision tight integration


Research Interests: Multi-sensor integration, GNSS positioning in urban environments

About: Shuai Guo is a PhD. candidate at the University of Calgary and part of the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab (co-supervised with Dr. Yang Gao). His research focus on GNSS/INS ultra-tight integration and high precision positioning techniques.

MSc Students

Research Interests: Precise GNSS smartphone navigation, machine learning, autonomous systems

About: Ananya Vishwanath is a graduate student part of the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab at the University of Calgary (co-supervised with Dr. Xin Wang), currently specializing in the development of high-precision navigation algorithms for smartphones.


Research Interests: Accurate 3D reconstruction, smartphone mapping, SLAM, machine learning, multi-sensor integration

About: Rhea is a graduate student at the University of Calgary and part of the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab, currently specializing in the use of smartphones in accurate mapping algorithms.


Research Interests: multisensor integration, sensor fusion, inertial navigation, autonomous driving

About: Saurav's focus is on engineering issues in multisensor integration. This includes time and spatial synchronization of LiDAR, Camera, and IMU sensors. Saurav is also interested in low-cost, aided inertial naivgation for autonomous driving.


Research Interests: Urban navigation, Deep learning, Sensor integration, SLAM.

About: Zelin Zhou is a M.Sc student at the University of Calgary and part of the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab. His current research interest is multi-sensor integration for deep urban navigation and SLAM, aided by advanced deep learnings and computer vision techniques.


Research Assistants


Research Interests: Autonomous Driving, Sensor Fusion, SLAM

About: Bosco is an undergraduate student at the University of Calgary and part of the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab as a summer research student (May-Ausgust 2024). He is currently aiding in sesnor calibrations and algorithms.


Research Interests: Autonomous Driving, Machine Learning, Sensor fusion

About: Dionysios is a Geomatics Engineering undergraduate student at the University of Calgary. He has contributed to the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab since May 2023, aiding in machine learning techniques.

Research Interests: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Object Recognition, Automation

About: Favour is an undergraduate student at the University of Calgary and a part of the Intelligence Navigation and Mapping Lab as a summer research student. She is currently aiding in the development of high definition mapping systems for autonomous driving.

Research Interests: Positioning in challenging environments, signal modelling, and remote sensing

About: Louise is an visiting undergraduate student from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, majoring in aviation engineering. She is part of the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab as a summer research student (July-August 2024), and her current research involves improving smartphone positioning under urban vegetated environments.


Research Interests: Autonomous Driving, Deep Learning, SLAM, Sensor Integration

About: Raymond is an undergraduate student at the University of Calgary and part of the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab as a summer research student (May-August 2024), currently aiding in sensor calibrations and algorithms.


Research Interests: Geodesy, remote sensing and Earth observation

About: Former full-time musician and teacher, Trevor Mansell is an undergraduate student at the University of Calgary and part of the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab as a summer research student (June-August 2024). He is currently aiding in the development of high-precision navigation for smartphones.


High School Students

Research Interests: Autonomous Driving, Sensor Fusion, Smartphone Navigation, Machine Learning.

About: Rebekah is a grade 12 student at Sir Winston Churchill High School, and is assisting in the Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab as part of the WISE Summer Research Award. She is aiding in the development of high definition smartphone mapping systems.


Research Interests: GNSS, Sensor Integration, GIS, Autonomous Driving

About: Xiaosong completed his Master of Geographic Information Systems (MGIS) at the University of Calgary and part of Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab as Research assistant (2022-2023). During this time, he specialized in sensor fusion using the Robotic Operating System (ROS2).