Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab


The Intelligent Navigation and Mapping Lab is led by Dr. Hongzhou Yang at the University of Calgary, specializes in developing advanced navigation and mapping technologies for autonomous systems through sensor integration and machine learning. The lab integrates multiple sensors, including GNSS, IMU, camera, LiDAR, radar, and odometer, to provide reliable and precise navigation and mapping solutions. Machine learning algorithms are also employed to enhance these systems, ensuring scalability and efficiency in autonomous navigation and mapping technologies.


Jul 08, 2024 We are excited to share that Louise, Favour, and Rebekah have already joined our research group this summer. Louise is visiting us from Hong Kong PolyU with the UG Summer Research Abroad Sponsorship (USRA), while Favour and Rebekah have joined funded by the Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) project. Additionally, earlier this summer, three more research students—Raymond, Bosco, and Trevor—joined our group. Raymond and Bosco are recipients of the NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award, and Trevor is funded through SSE.
Jul 03, 2024 Congratulations to Qiaozhuang! His latest paper “Credible positioning of BDS RTK/INS integration based on multi-information cross-validation” was accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, cheers!
Jun 16, 2024 The data collection platform is ready for the first road test with multiple sensors onboard, including the GNSS, IMU, camera, LiDAR and MCU.

selected publications


  1. Evaluation of the Multi-GNSS, Dual-Frequency RTK Positioning Performance for Recent Android Smartphone Models in a Phone-to-Phone Setup
    Robert Odolinski, Hongzhou Yang, Li-Ta Hsu, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 2024 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation , 2024
  2. A Hopular based weighting scheme for improving kinematic GNSS positioning in deep urban canyon
    Zelin Zhou, Baoyu Liu, and Hongzhou Yang
    Measurement Science and Technology, 2024


  1. A consistent and grid-based regional slant ionospheric model with an increasing number of satellite corrections for PPP-RTK
    Sijie Lyu, Yan Xiang, Yi Zhang, and 4 more authors
    GPS Solutions, 2023


  1. A new datum jump detection and mitigation method of Real-Time Service (RTS) clock products
    Liang Zhang, Hongzhou Yang, Yibin Yao, and 2 more authors
    GPS Solutions, 2019


  1. Keynote: Analysis of the Extended Orbit and Clock Corrections for Real-Time PPP
    Hongzhou Yang, Yang Gao, Chaoqian Xu, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the ION 2017 Pacific PNT Meeting , 2017